
Showing posts from November, 2021

How to Wear & Style a Polo Shirt for Every Occasion

What is a polo shirt? Where did the polo shirt begin? The polo shirt came about as a long, buttoned-down shirt for polo players, tennis players and golf players. At first, these shirt players were long-sleeved thick shirts with a collar made of cotton that was button-downed. John Brooks created the idea of a button-down collar during polo matches. Simply put, polos can easily be a contrast compared to a regular t-shirt, but polos have a stand-up collar with a button placket. They can give anyone a great look. How Do You Wear A Polo Shirt? How to wear a polo shirt traditionally should be loose over your body. A polo shirt should always cover your body without your arms. Once you put one on that suits your desire, you should always be aware not to tuck these shirts right into your pants or shorts. However, a slight tuck will look well. It is best to make sure that you always keep your polo shirts looking fit but not baggy. If you decide to wear a polo shirt, be sure to keep a match of y...

7 Inexpensive Christmas Gifts for Students from Teachers

During the Christmas season, people love to give each other gifts. These gifts are given to friends and family and even people living around us. These gifts do not need to be costly; people should give what they have or can afford. These gifts are often given to people who were there for us within the year or to people who excelled. In a school setup, teachers play a huge role in the life of children. They not only teach us about classwork but also about life skills. Gifts for students from teachers help learners learn how to give to others. This prepares the students to learn how to give gifts to their parents and also other people. Some teachers have gone beyond their reach and decided to buy all their students gifts. Gift ideas for students from teachers can depend on class performance or also outdoor performance. Through this, other students are also motivated to work hard the following year to be gifted too. For a teacher, finding Christmas gift ideas for students can be a tough ...