How to start a t-shirt brand in 5 easy steps

Have you always dreamed of starting your own t-shirt brand? It’s now easier than ever to get a T-shirt printing business start up off the ground thanks to the Tshirt Mill. In this quick and simple guide, we’ll break down how to start a t-shirt business in only five steps. How to start a t-shirt brand in 5 easy steps 1. Pick your target audience Choosing a clear and defined target audience is advertising 101. You can’t market to everyone, but you have to market to someone. Knowing your target audience means knowing what they want, hate, love and need. It also means knowing how and where to talk to them. For example, social media is often a better marketing platform for younger demographics. However, the main reason you want to know your target audience is so you can create t-shirts that they’ll actually want to wear. Once you choose a target audience, you can perform thorough market research to determine what designs, materials and cuts appeal the most. 2. Create a logo...