Let’s learn from these t-shirt fails
Look, we love t-shirts as much as the next guy but in the wrong hands, even good t-shirts can go bad. So, we’ve compiled a handy list of tips to keep in mind when you design your own shirt. Don’t forget the spellcheque Want to put text on your custom shirt? Then for the love of God, check the spelling before you hit ‘print’! Even retail giants H&M and TopShop forgot this top tip – check out their handy work in the last two images below. We’re guessing the intern got blamed. Consider your message, like really. Are you an ex-con, current con or seriously considering becoming a con? Then you might want to consider the messaging on your custom shirt. Who knows when you’ll be posing for a mug shot… Give it the ‘is there a chance I could end up on the internet in this’ test? And we don’t mean in a good way. We mean on one of those ‘ 25 t-shirt fails’ lists. When you design your own shirt, always remember - what looks goo...